Wednesday, April 20, 2011

New Hampshire Foreclosure Prevention Initiative

The State of NH provides some great resources for people who are having financial difficulties and want to stay in their homes, rather than losing their homes to foreclosure.  One of them has been initiated by the governor, called the "New Hampshire Foreclosure Prevention Initiative" and I am part of that initiative.  I assist in giving information at their seminars and I provide free consultations for home owners facing financial difficulties.

The goal is to get the information to the people who need it, so they can save their homes, if possible.

A primary resource is found on the HomeHelp web site, click here,

There is free counseling available for foreclosure prevention:
click here,

Our "older" population is a target for mortgage modification and predatory lender scams, so if you are not sure if the organization you are seeking help from is reputable, call one of the numbers from the HomeHelp web site or call one of the free HUD counselors for information or advice.

Finally, something to think about as our aging population struggles to live on fixed incomes, and that is the reverse morgan option.  Information on this option can be found on the HomeHelp web site, click here,

Lesson Learned: Avoid scam artists and start with your state agencies to learn more about solving your financial difficulties.

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